What they are and how Anya helps you find the best information on your growing baby, at the right time.
A pregnancy or trimester tracker is a tool that helps expectant mothers keep track of the various changes and developments happening in their body during pregnancy. It typically takes the form of a mobile app or website that allows users to enter information about their pregnancy, such as the date of their last menstrual period and their due date.
The Anya app provides accredited information to you based on your, or your baby’s stage. Once your due date or birth date information is entered, the app provides users with a wealth of information about what to expect during each stage of your pregnancy, including the size and development of the foetus, changes in your body, and tips for staying healthy. The Anya app also supports you with a tailored antenatal course to follow so you can understand what to expect when you are expecting, and also preparing for birth, starting breastfeeding with support from the unique LatchAid 3D tool, and beyond, all the way to toddlerhood. Our communities also offer you a way of asking questions and finding support and information from parents just like you.
Overall, a pregnancy and parenting app like Anya can be a valuable resource for expectant and new parents, providing them with the information and tools they need to stay informed, healthy, and prepared throughout their parenthood journey.
Find out more about how the Anya app can support you in your parenthood journey.