I went into breastfeeding with an open mind. I don’t think it would have upset me if I’d had to use formula, but I didn’t like the sound of bottles and sterilising. Breastfeeding suited us as a family. I was aiming for 3 months initially but we’re at 7 months now and I think I’ll carry on until 12 months.

The LatchAid 3D animations have been useful. A doctor recently recommended trying a different position as I had a blocked duct and I could just go back to the app to look it up. When you’re so used to feeding in the same position you forget other ones you could try.

I’m going back to work soon so I’ll be looking up the webinar on returning to work and I’m sure I’ll be asking lots of questions. I’m so glad I persevered with breastfeeding and the app has really helped that. I’m such a fan that I tell every new mum-to-be I meet about the app!