Menopause Support for Employers.
With rising state-pension retirement ages, leaving many of us potentially working until we are 71, and women over the age of 50 being the fastest growing demographic in the workplace, it’s more important than ever to understand menopause and the impact it has on women’s health at work. This article is about menopause support for employers.
Menopause significantly impacts work life, and with a substantial portion of the UK workforce comprising women aged 45 to 55, employers play a crucial role in creating a supportive environment.
Here’s a top-level guide for employers on understanding menopause-related rights and providing workplace support.

Key Statistics on Menopause and Its Impact on Employers:
- Most working women (aged 40 to 60) experience menopause-related symptoms.
- 73% of employees surveyed have encountered menopause-related symptoms.
- Psychological symptoms are common, affecting 67% of respondents.
- Over half have missed work due to menopause symptoms.
- 17% feel menopause negatively impacted career progression.
- 84% of unsupported individuals report mostly negative effects at work.
Understanding Menopause Rights in the UK:
Legal Framework:
Menopause isn’t explicitly protected under the Equality Act 2010, but its symptoms may fall under age, sex, and disability discrimination. Severe symptoms may be considered a disability, warranting reasonable adjustments.
Health and Safety Considerations:
Employers must ensure a safe working environment, accommodating the needs of menopausal women.
Employer Responsibilities and Employee Empowerment:
For Employers:
- Educate and train people managers.
- Offer flexible working arrangements.
- Ensure control over the workplace environment.
- Permit comfort breaks and flexible uniform policies.
- Foster a supportive culture for open health conversations.
For Employees:
- Educate yourself on menopause and its symptoms.
- Prepare for discussions with HR.
- Seek support from colleagues and build a network.
- Know your legal rights and employer policies.
- Consider professional guidance for medical insights.
- Advocate for workplace menopause policies.
- Practice self-care for overall well-being.
- Document symptoms and incidents for discussions.
Practical Workplace Measures:
- Flexible hours to accommodate challenges.
- Temperature control, such as using fans or adjusting seating.
- Regular breaks to cope with fatigue.
- Creating a supportive work environment by confiding in colleagues.