Babies’ mouths, like the rest of them, are growing and developing all the time. One of the signs of change and growth in a baby’s mouth can be lots of dribbling or saliva. Sometimes you might see that your baby is drooling a lot but that there are no visible signs of teeth, this is often because there are changes going on in the mouth in preparation for those teeth to appear and this can be very normal.
Unsettled babies whose mouths and teeth are growing might benefit from having a frozen ‘ice cube’ of breastmilk to chew on as a lolly or in a fruit feeder (note that an ice cube that is not attached to something outside of the mouth is a choking hazard!)
If you notice that your baby is very drooly most of the time, appears unsettled or their saliva smells a little like vomit or has visible signs of vomit, this may be a sign that something else is going on that might need further investigation. If you need more help with this, you can ask questions about reflux in the Anya app.
Breastfeeding a baby who is teething
When babies are teething, or when they are exploring the world with their mouths, sometimes they can draw back their tongue when feeding and nip or clamp down on the nipple with their teeth. And it hurts!
Avoiding it is clearly the best idea – so taking real care when positioning and attaching baby, and then taking note of when your little one draws back their tongue and swiftly getting your nipple out of there, is the first thing to try.
You can have a look at the interactive 3D LatchAid positioning and attachment animations in the app to assist with getting baby to feed effectively.
It’s also useful to teach your little one breastfeeding manners – that is, what is and isn’t ok while they are breastfeeding – by saying “NO!” if they hurt you, and taking them off the breast. Some mothers find this can be achieved by slipping a clean finger into the side of the baby’s mouth to break the seal, but most find that in this situation, pushing the baby’s head gently but firmly in towards the breast so they unlatch, is the swiftest solution.
Don’t forget, you can share your teething concerns by asking Anya in the app or joining in with our Communities to hear other parents’ experiences!